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Some regard it as sin, some as low self-esteem, others as the pinnacle of honesty, and yet others say it’s the best thing you can do with your Friday nights.  Whatever you think about it, think it, shoot it and cut it in one month. And remember to use protection.

Contest begins: Nov 1

Submissions deadline:  Nov 30
Awards Ceremony: Dec 14


To sign up just send us an email to: 

with the director's name and mobile number, saying that you want to sign up.  


We will send you an email with the instructions of where to meet on Friday night, November 1, when will give the requirements for the contest (i.e., the things you need to include in the movie), and voila, the rat race beings!  One month later you will deliver the month, and on December 14 the Awards Ceremony will be held in a cinema.  That night we will screen all the movies and trophies be awarded to the champions.


Joining this rollercoaster is free, all you need is friends.  And if you ain't got none, we'll place you in a team.  If you don't know anything about film, we will teach you.  

Shanghai Short Film Contest #11

Contest theme:  


有人说那是罪恶的,有人说那是自卑的,有些诚实至上的人说那是周五晚上最好的消遣. 不管你怎么想的,想一想,在一个月内拍出它. 可别忘了套套哦

提交截至: 11月30日
颁奖典礼: 12月14日


只要发邮件到meiwentiproductions@outlook.com给我们就能注册写上导演的姓名及手机号码, 告诉我们你要注册. 


我们会发一封邮件给你说明11月1日周五晚上在哪见面, 何时会给到比赛的要求(例,在影片中你需要放入的元素), 然后你瞧, 比赛就此开始! 一个月后你将提交你一个月 的心血, 然后将在12月14日当天在影院举行颁奖典礼. 当晚我们将放映所有参赛的影片并颁发奖杯给冠军得奖者. 


参与这个过山车体验是免费的, 你所需要的是你的朋友们. 如何你没这类朋友, 我们会将你分发到某队上. 就算你完全不懂影片, 我们会指你.  



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